brandi n. williams apr

corporate social responsibility should not be a brand campaign

"over the last 20 years, #CSR has not proven all that effective & certainly not enough to make #socialchange.”  

~ @svpcharlotte Twitter account

this begs the question why? why haven’t corporate social responsibility programs been effective at answering business questions and pushing social change?

CSR's move from a function of human resources to marketing has created a trend that is not good for business and doesn’t support social change. too often companies use their CSR programs as an extension of their branding and marketing efforts. they believe that having their name and logo attached to a cause will bolster business. it may, but the success of the program won’t be easily quantifiable. they won’t be able to measure the return on investment in a way that shows the impact on business or the community because they didn’t design their CSR program to create long-term, deep impact on their bottom line or community. this is what CSR should be about, giving deep for positive business results and to push social change. to accomplish this companies should:

  • align their charitable giving with their business goals.
  • partner and collaborate with other for-profit companies and non-profit organizations to address community need.
  • develop a sustainable, long-term funding model to provide continuous support for the community.
  • be consistent to build brand loyalty.

#pr is more than publicity

if you believe what you see on television and on social media, you would believe that public relations is all about a party and securing media coverage.

news flash: there's more to #pr than partying and media coverage.

why are you getting excited about those one-time hits? that isn't sustainable.

instead of seeking your :15 seconds of fame during your album or product release or once every few blue moons in the media, opt for a strategic #pr plan that builds your brand and deepens brand loyalty.

just like true health starts with a lifestyle change, true #pr starts with organizational change that is deeper than a campaign or publicity.

think about this: what does your brand say about you when there is no campaign and when no one is watching?

what will $7.75 buy you?

what will $7.75 buy you?

the income gap between the top 1 percent and remaining 99 percent is greater than it has been since the 1920's. american companies are recording profits in the trillions of dollars while the rest of us are left to make ends meet. this has to stop and everyone has to do their part.

What Is PR For Social Justice?

If you have been following this blog then you know I have transitioned through the years. It's very evident in my writing. At the end of last year I began a rebranding project. I went from promoting studio b public relations to branding myself as an expert PR professional with a focus on social justice. But what exactly does that look like? It looks like a post I made recently to my Facebook page (see below). It is honest, raw conversation about social issues impacting our nation with a focus on PR. It is me advocating for what is socially, morally and ethically correct. It is me standing up for the little man. It is me helping the little man learn to fish by teaching them how to stand up for themselves. It is me using the power of PR to advance social justice causes. It is advocacy.