The GET CURIOUS framework aims to help Black women delve into the art of self-awareness. Through guided introspection, this model aids in excavating hidden emotions, identifying root causes of pain, and fostering holistic healing.

Framework Components

1. Release the Need to Be Right

Exercise: Conduct a self-assessment to identify situations where the need to be correct has hindered your growth.

Question: When faced with situations where you have to make hard decisions, ask yourself: “What is more important to me—being right or healing?”

2. Acknowledge and Name Your Emotions

Exercise: Use a feeling wheel to identify and label your feelings. See below for a link.

Question: “What is the core emotion I am feeling right now?”

3. Experience and Explore Your Emotions

Exercise: Utilize mindfulness to analyze and sit with your emotions.

Question: “Where is this emotion stemming from, and what does it signify for me?”

4. Take Your Time and Write That Shit Out

Question: “What narratives are surfacing in my journaling that need further exploration?”

5. Ask 'What' Questions

Exercise: Engage in self-inquiry using “what” as the lead word.

Question: “What factors contributed to this emotion? What can I learn from this?”

6. BEA Gracious

Exercise: Reflect on instances where you fell short, forgiving yourself and identifying ways to improve.

Question: “What can I learn from my failures to make more informed choices in the future?”

7. Practice Kaizen

Exercise: Identify one small change you can implement for self-improvement.

Question: “What is the one percent improvement I can make [in this moment, in the future]?”

8. Feel it in Your Soul, Sis

Exercise: Use guided visualization or deep reflection to ensure soul-level resolution.

Question: “Is my soul at peace with my conclusions?”

9. Ask for a Second [Third + Fourth] Opinion

Exercise: Seek input from trusted mental health accountability partners.

Question: “What alternate perspectives or insights am I missing?”

10. BEA Vulnerable

Exercise: Share your reflections and growth areas with someone you trust.

Question: “What part of my story am I hesitant to share but know is crucial for my healing?”

Additional Resources

The GET CURIOUS framework is a guide and a committed lifestyle to discovering your authentic self. Following these steps diligently will bring about self-awareness, holistic healing, and a life filled with ease and serenity.

Note: This framework is informational and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare provider for medical advice and treatment.


Copyright © 2023. GET CURIOUS: What Does It Mean to Get Curious. All rights reserved.

Story Time: 3 Lessons From Paicines Ranch

I spent last week on a working ranch in Paicines, California, with men and women of all ages and ethnicities from all over the US learning how to transition from capitalism to a just economy. I was nervous about going. From the cohort-member photos, I would be one of the older members, and admittedly, I am having issues with aging. I also felt I wasn't smart enough to be a part of this cohort. Many of the cohort members were in financial services, and I have no real financial services experience. Besides that, I hate thinking about anything concerning cash flows, assets, and liabilities. Honestly, I thought I would be too cool for the experience. In my mind, they were nerds, and I was not. I thought about backing out of the 9-month program because of these things but changed my mind because I am trying this new thing called sticking to my commitments.

So, I pulled my tired body out of bed and hopped on the plane to California last Monday morning. I get to San Jose and meet three of my cohort members for the hour-long ride to Paicines Ranch. The car conversation started to ease my mind. I realized I wasn't the only person who had reservations - and at least the three cohort members in my car were pretty cool. We pull up to the ranch, and I see single-wide trailers, and I am immediately freaking out. These CAN NOT be the living quarters. They were. I am about to lose my whole mind because I CAN NOT sleep in a single-wide trailer for a week. On top of that, there was no cell service unless you had Verizon, and the wi-fi is shaky at best. I was about to cry, but what could I do?

I go to my room (see the photo below) and am scared to touch anything. I pull out my computer and immediately start texting my cousins.

Cousin 1: You said you wanted to live on a farm.

Cousin 2: What can you learn from this experience?

Not what I wanted to hear, but I accept it and say I will make the best of this week.

Fast forward: The week was amazing! I met great people. I learned a lot. I got to experience nature and God's creations in a way I have never before. There is so much for me to share and think about. Here are just a few things I want to share now:

1. Find your tribe. My cousins are an essential part of my tribe. They were the first people I texted to complain about my situation. Although they didn't tell me anything I wanted to hear at that moment, they helped me calm down and put the experience in perspective. Find people who will challenge you to show up as your best self.

2. Lean in and let go of your fears. When you let go of your fears, you can unlock beautiful experiences. Once I settled in, I could experience the beauty of nature and the other cohort members. I am excited to continue to learn, grow, and co-conspire to change the world with these beautiful people.

3. BEA you. On our final night on the ranch, a young Latina, one of my cohort members, came up to me and apologized. She said when she saw me, she thought, "She's going to be so uncomfortable here." She saw my asymmetrical hairstyle, tattoos, and bodysuit and thought I was a fish out of water. She went on to say that she was wrong and learned so much from me. She said every time I opened my mouth, I said something profound. I also taught her, by the way I showed up authentically as myself, that it is okay to be yourself. While some may think - the nerve - I was happy to hear this. I pride myself on showing up in my comfort zone and being 100 percent myself at all times. So, to see that she noticed that I was comfortable in my skin - and that my appearance didn't take away from my intelligence was a win for me. I want everyone to experience this level of freedom.

More to come on what we are working on. #staytuned because we are about to change the way the world does business and make BEAing you the new norm.

#JustEconomy #fuckcapitalism #spreadlove #spreadloveandkindness

P.S. Check out my dusty boots. They are evidence that I was there - and still stylish lol.

P.P.S. My daughter told me that I was a nerd. It was confirmed this week. I am the stylish nerd!

Story time: When I realized I was perpetuating white supremacy

Experience 26 | Unveiling Trauma

Passion for history runs through my veins, especially the enthralling narrative of #Black people across the #diaspora.

Graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I nabbed an African-American studies minor by devouring every AFAM and African Studies course. This allowed me to stack credits and absorb information that spoke to my soul.

Opportunity knocked with a trip to Louisville, where I hung out with a friend and knew I had to swing by the Muhammad Ali Museum.

Ali never held my attention, yet the allure of Black history tugged me in. My heart beats for those who leverage their spotlight for #Blackpeople's cause. So, paying homage at a museum celebrating such a man seemed fitting. Little did I anticipate that I'd walk out with not only a deepened self-awareness but also newfound admiration for Ali.

The museum unfurled Ali's multifaceted essence. Beyond his boxing prowess, he was an artist, wordsmith, and justice crusader. During an exhibit video, a man's words hit me like a thunderbolt. He cherished Ali not only for his physical feats but for his audacious stance on his convictions. Ali's unapologetic loudness, his unyielding confidence—it all struck a chord. Why? Because, like so many Black individuals, he had been schooled to silence his voice, bow his head, follow orders, and never question authority—particularly that of the white establishment.

Damn, that hit hard.

My struggle with self-expression resonates deeply. Like the man in the video, I was trained to be meek, only speaking when spoken to, and refraining from challenging authority. Despite growth and evolving times (even if just a smidge), I realized I was channeling a #JimCrowNegro mindset. My throat chakra remained closed, unaware that advocating for my people meant standing tall and speaking out.

It dawned on me—I was still shadowed by the ghosts of slavery and Jim Crow. Shockingly, we, the #Black community, unconsciously keep these oppressive legacies alive, passing them down to our children.

A weighty epiphany it was, one I'm still parsing five months on. Likely, this unraveling will thread its way through my years.

Post-museum pilgrimage, I vowed to pause, dissect my actions. I query: Am I inadvertently fueling white supremacy? Is this my chance to raise my voice? WWAD—What Would Ali Do?

Lesson 28 | Dismantle white supremacy, within and without. We're quick to point out how the dominant culture subjugates us, yet do we spot how we inadvertently do the same? As you navigate your day, making choices, casting judgments, ponder how you unconsciously reinforce white privilege. Ponder—Who deemed vibrant prints unprofessional? Who ruled against nose rings in corporate settings? Who branded "skreet" and "skrawberry" as incorrect? Many don't grasp our culture, our history, our dialects. Explore white privilege, identify its tendrils in your life, and cease perpetuating it—rooted in capitalism and white supremacy.

#soul2soles #whiteprivilege #respectibilitypolitics

Story time: Honoring my boundaries with my father

Experience 18 | Honoring my boundaries with my father

I made a conscious decision this year to honor the boundaries I had set years ago with my father. Let me tell you the story … 


As a child from the ages of about five until 11, I believed that if my dad was in my life and in a relationship with my mom I would have a better life. I secretly prayed for and sometimes cried out to God to allow my mom and dad to be together and for us to be a family. 


For many of those years that I had this longing, I hadn’t even met my dad in person; but, from what I understood at that time, my mom would be happier if she were with him. Her happiness had somehow, in my mind, become my responsibility.


At age six, my mom and I were supposed to move to Oregon to be with my dad. I remember packing our stuff in boxes and my mom teaching me how to address mail by allowing me to write the return and forwarding addresses for said boxes. I remember feeling honored to have the opportunity to play a small part in getting us to where my dad was so that we could finally be a family. I was telling anyone who would listen that I was going to be moving from North Carolina to Oregon to be with my daddy. I was especially proud to tell my mean music teacher that after Christmas I would no longer be in her class; I was finally going to have the family I always wanted. My mom would be happy. I would finally get to meet my dad and live with him. Everything was going to be alright.


Well, that didn’t happen. My dad decided that my mom and I were not able to move with him. There are specific reasons for the decision that I won’t share because it is a part of their story, not mine. What is a part of my story is the fact that us not going was a huge letdown and it seemed to cause my mother more pain than I’d ever seen her experience before. 


Fast forward to age 11. It was only the second time in my 11 years that I’d seen my dad (the first time was at age 8). He came to visit my mom and I for a week. By this time I also had a baby sister that wasn’t his child. So, technically, he also visited her. 


It was the best week of my life. It gave me the opportunity to see what it could be like if we were all a family. My 11-year-old self prayed and hoped that this would be the start of my parents trying to be together. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. In fact, the trip caused more trauma and heartache for my mom. Again, the details of that trauma and heartache are her story and not mine to tell. 


Fast forward to the years that followed. There were several experiences with my father that caused trauma for me - sometimes directly and other times as a result of how he treated my mom, including, but not limited to, my father allowing his family to talk negatively about my mother and other family members. I started to feel the judgment of his family at age 11. This continued for years and came to a head at age 16 when I overheard my father’s mother and brother saying negative things about my mom and I. Hurt by their comments I called my mother to share with her what was said. She called them and expressed her displeasure in how they made me feel (and it wasn’t a nice conversation). My dad didn’t stand up for me, my mother or my family with his mother or brother. When his mother attacked me after being confronted by my mother, he did nothing. His refusal to stand up for me continued. It even was transferred over to how he interacted with my children.


In 2012, my son and daughter were supposed to go to Michigan to stay at my dad’s house. His wife decided she didn’t want my kids there so the plans changed to my dad coming to Chicago, where his mother lived, to have the planned weeklong vacation with my kids. My kids were devastated as they really wanted to see where their Paw Paw lived and experience another state. They’d been to Chicago and they were looking forward to going to Michigan to visit and explore. They were adjusting to the transition until they happened to overhear my dad, their beloved Paw Paw, talking negatively about them and me with his mother. They called me crying saying they wanted to come home. Just as my mother had done years before, I called and confronted my father and grandmother. The conversation was just as contentious as the conversation many years before. Following the conversation, I resigned to creating boundaries in the relationship with my father.


The main boundary I created for my father included choosing when and how I and my kids interacted with my father and his family. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like not getting an answer when he called. He didn’t like us choosing not to build vacation plans that included him and his family. He used many forms of manipulation to try to get us to be in a relationship with him in a way that served his own selfish needs, including calling my mother when he was really upset to get her to call me and tell me about my obligation as a child to be in relationship with my dad. “You only get one father,” she would say when she called. I had to quickly let her know that his position in my life was because of a choice she made; I didn’t have a voice in choosing him. Had I had the opportunity, based on what I’d experienced with him, I wouldn’t have chosen him. He is selfish and narcissistic. I don’t choose to be in a relationship with someone with those qualities. She wasn’t the only person trying to get me to allow him back into my life in a way that was comfortable to him. Nevertheless, I kept telling them all that I had no desire to be in a relationship with him. After years of being disrespected and made to feel unloved, unimportant, and unworthy, I’d made a decision to protect myself and my children from his shitty ass. His character deficiencies were disturbing my peace and keeping me from living the life I deserved. I was no longer allowing myself to engage in such relationships just because he was my father.


I have chosen, after years of emotional abuse being in a relationship with my father - and his inability to honor previous boundaries set for him, to have no communication with my father. He does not have my phone number. He can’t contact me at all. It’s a boundary that works for the life I am creating. I no longer feel obligated to be in a relationship with him and I’ve had to set boundaries for my mother and others regarding this relationship. Others can have any relationship they want with him; I am choosing to not to have one and I won’t succumb to the pressure to be in a relationship with him just because he’s my father.


Lesson 20 | Create boundaries that honor the life you want to live. Make sure your boundaries are well-defined and clear. Loose boundaries can keep you in trauma’s web. 


Lesson 21 | Don’t allow the position someone holds by name (father, mother, sister, brother, cousin) to keep you in relationships that don’t honor you or the life you are creating. Make sure you watch the video linked in the preceding sentence. It’s powerful.


Lesson 22 |  Hold tight to your boundaries and don’t allow the opinions of other people keep you in relationships that are no longer serving you. They may be well-intentioned, but they don’t know the disrespect and hurt you experienced. Additionally, you are solely responsible for getting to your version of the Golden Life. Don’t allow people to keep you from reaching that goal.


#45for45 #honoringboundaries #soul2soles #toxicrelationships

#BeThe1To Break The Cycle of Suicide

World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10. It’s a time to remember those affected by suicide, to raise awareness, and to focus efforts on directing treatment to those who need it most.

I am passionate about mental health because I have suffered from poor mental health for so long. I’ve contemplated suicide many times during my life - and tried to commit suicide once. I am not alone.

According to the US Department of Health + Human Services Office of Minority Health:

  • In 2019, suicide was the second leading cause of death for blacks or African Americans, ages 15 to 24.

  • The death rate from suicide for black or African American men was four times greater than for African American women, in 2018.

  • The overall suicide rate for black or African Americans was 60 percent lower than that of the non-Hispanic white population, in 2018.

  • Black females, grades 9-12, were 60 percent more likely to attempt suicide in 2019, as compared to non-Hispanic white females of the same age.

  • Poverty level affects mental health status. Black or African Americans living below the poverty level, as compared to those over twice the poverty level, are twice as likely to report serious psychological distress.

  • A report from the U.S. Surgeon General found that from 1980 - 1995, the suicide rate among African Americans ages 10 to 14 increased 233 percentage, as compared to 120 percent of non-Hispanic whites.

It’s important that we talk about suicide + mental health. Research shows that people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks about them in a caring way. Talking about suicide and mental health in a safe space can reduce suicidal thoughts. It’s important for those suffering from suicidal thoughts to have someone to speak with who doesn’t judge + who provides resources to support them.

So, #BeThe1To … provide the support needed to prevent another suicide.

Resources for Black Women + Girls seeking mental health support

Also read:

Black + Gold: Getting to the Golden Life

Ever since 2004, when Jill Scott dropped her single Golden, I’ve been dreaming about the Golden Life. I didn’t know at the time what it meant to live life golden, but she made it sound so aspirational. I’ve held on to the desire to live that way and I created the SoulMed definition for The Golden Life.

The Golden Life requires you to:
* Live in gratitude for each experience (good or bad)
*Naturally respond to triggering situations
* Be emotionally connected to yourself + how you show up to people + how they respond to you
*Honor yourself in what you do + say
— Bea Williams

Getting to the Golden Life - well - that takes (in the words of Iyanla) doing the work. Watch the video below + download the accompanying workbook to learn how to get to the Golden Life.


#45for45 | Bea's Sapphire Birthday


Birthdays have been a big deal for most of my adult life. When it’s time for my birthday I am ALWAYS finding a way to celebrate. September 13, 2021 marks my sapphire birthday. As I thought about what I wanted to do, I decided one thing wasn’t enough. Out of that one thought, #45for45 was born.

This year, to honor my 45th trip around the sun, I am curating experiences for my birthday - 45 experiences to be exact. These experiences started on Friday, August 20 and will continue throughout my 45th year of life, with the last event on Monday, September 12, 2022.

I will curate experiences to include things I enjoy, bucket list adventures, and giving back. I am documenting my journey on my personal Instagram page - @beawilliamsapr and here. This page blog page will serve as the landing place for the freebies I give away, registration links to curated experiences that are open to the public + updates on my journey.

What you should do now:

  1. Make sure you are following me on Instagram - and turn on your post notifications for my account.

  2. Go like SoulMed Holistic Health’s Facebook page. Curated events that are open to the public will be advertised there.

  3. Enjoy the Golden Life playlist below. SoulMed’s mission is to help Black women live a Golden Life. What’s a Golden Life? See to do #4.

  4. Register for Black + Gold: Getting to The Golden Life on September 1 at 7:30 p.m. During this intimate virtual program you will learn at what it means to live a Golden Life + how you can achieve it. Only 25 spaces available; so, register now!

SoulMed Presents The Pleasure Principle


Siiiss … let me tell you a secret. I was 44 years old before I had an orgasm. I am 44 years old at the time I am typing this. So, yeah … it took me 3 decades after I started having sex - and two kids - before I ever climaxed. Get this … it wasn’t because of a man either. I gave it to myself! Whether you’ve climaxed with a partner, by yourself, both … or you’re like I was at 43 never having climaxed, I want to help you experience your body and sexual self in ways you’ve never experienced before.

Dr. Tiffanie Davis-Henry, an AASECT-certified sex therapist and licensed psychotherapist who has been featured on national reality and news shows, helps me start this conversation. I interviewed Dr. Tiffanie about sex and mental health - yes, there is a connection!

Watch the interview below.